DK Khan might have a maximum of 10 games left before retiring from professional gaming

Kim “Khan” Dong-ha, the top laner of DAMWON KIA, is widely regarded as one of the best players in League of Legends who has yet to win an international title.

Just a few months ago, Khan revealed that he will be retiring from the professional scene later this year in order to complete his obligatory military duty in 2022.

Despite being widely recognized as one of the best top laners in professional League of Legends, he has failed to win an international title in his entire career.

Khan has yet to win an MSI or a World Championship trophy, despite winning multiple title splits in the LCK. The closest he came was when DAMWON KIA lose to Royal Never Give Up in the MSI 2021 Grand Final.

Recently on Reddit, a League player correctly pointed out his limited number of matches left in his professional career as a gamer.

Specifically, DK toplaner’s participation in World Championship 2021 might be his final professional competition. He appears to have a maximum of 10 games left before announcing his retirement.

Khan did consider retiring from professional League of Legends a season or two ago. Yet, his hunger for an international title, on the other hand, spurred him to continue his profession.

“Of course, I am still able to compete in Spring, but what’s the most important thing? World Championship”

DAMWON KIA is currently in the semi-finals and will soon be facing T1. The team’s toplaner now has only maximum of 10 games left (if the team wins 3-2 in both the semi-finals and grand finals) before he retires. Will Khan get his 1st, and also his last International title before leaving?