Durability Updates: The dark future for Healing in League!

Healing and shields will undergo significant changes in the next few updates

Image via Riot Games

The new League of Legends Durability Updates back in Patch 12.10 has had a long-term impact on the entire League of Legends roster.  Simply altering one feature of the game has changed the way players play the game and interact with each champion.

As a result of this modification, healing and shielding in League of Legends have grown too powerful. Riot has spotted this as quickly as ever and is implementing modifications to make the game fairer over the next several updates.

Durability Update’s initial rollout was imbalanced for several champions, but they’re working to smooth it out. In short, healing and shields will continue to be less advantageous in the upcoming League of Legends updates.

Image via Riot Games

In Riot Games’ last week’s Quick Gameplay Thoughts, Riot Phroxzon stated that:

“We’re striving to make the game balanced around 40% heal reduction. Ideally, Grievous Wound (GW) shouldn’t be something you need to buy every game, but instead should be a situational purchase in games versus 2 or more heavy healing champs. Moving forward, we’re planning to cautiously reduce the strength of healing to be more in line with the state of GW today.”

Riot has once again used their nerf hammer. Grievous Wound is a debuff that is essential for several champions in the game. Healing has grown so strong and frequent among champions that it is required in every game.

As far as we are concerned, Enchanters and lifesteal-based champions will be greatly affected in the next patches that incorporate the adjustments.

Riot has also nerfed Yuumi and Soraka to assist kickstart this nerf on healing and shielding everywhere. Champions like Irelia or even Aatrox might be in line for nerfs, but we don’t know for sure.

The game is starting to feel extremely different as Riot makes huge adjustments left and right ever since the Durability Updates. Some are becoming frustrated by the continuous change, while others are enjoying the changes and the work that Riot is doing.