Official: DWG Worlds skins and MSI 2021 skin have been released

DWG Worlds skins are extremely high-rated by the community due to their design quality. Also, a new name has been added to the MSI skin series.

Finally, the skins honoring the World Championship title of DWG have been officially published on the PBE server. Furthermore, the skin for the upcoming MSI has also been released. This year, the Conqueror skin series will have a brand new name: Conqueror Jax!

Additionally, the Conqueror skin of this year also comes with its Prestige edition. Now, let’s see some details about these skins:

Conqueror Jax

Instead of red – the traditional main color of Conqueror skins, the color for MSI 2021 skin has changed into green – an opposite one. This is probably an intention of Riot Games, when MSI has returned after a year cancelled because of COVID-19 and the rules also have been changed a lot.

Conqueror Jax Prestige Edition

Here is the Prestige edition of Conqueror Jax. It owns white and yellow as its main colors, like other Prestige ones, and its effects, for sure, is much brighter and more colorful.

DWG Kennen – Nuguri

The wish of Nuguri has been met, when Kennen in DWG skin becomes an incredibly cute raccoon and the recall animation will definitely make your wallet thinner and lighter. The main color will be blue and his dart will have a brighter one.

DWG Nidalee – Canyon

DWG Nidalee is also an impressive skin in this series and the cougar seems to be much more delightful. However, many players said that it was a pity that Graves was not chosen. Nidalee used to receive an Esport skin (Challenger Nidalee), while Graves just has a Victorious one, not Worlds or MSI.

DWG Twisted Fate – ShowMaker

DWG Twisted Fate does not have anything being worth paying attention, except from the fantastic animations, from auto-attacks to skills, they look like stars shining in the sky with the bright blue color.

DWG Jhin – Ghost

DWG Jhin is the worst rated skin in this series because of there are no spotlights, simple designed and its skill animations appear to be similar to SKT T1 Jhin, especially the wings when he uses his R.

DWG Leona – BeryL

Among these 5 skins, DWG Leona is said to be the one having the highest design quality. According to some information leaked, this player was allowed to contribute to making this skin, as he wanted his skin to be the same as his “waifu“. Probably, thanks to his thoroughness, his skin will provide his fan with a lot of wonderful experiences when using it.