League of Legends: Tips on how to play Enchanter Supports

Despite the latest nerf to enchanter champions, we still find them towards the top of the win rate statistics

Even though many people believe enchanter supports to be one of the easiest roles to play in the game, pro players frequently state that it is easy to tell a bad player from a good one. So, if you’re enjoying the position but find it difficult to know when to do what, this article provides some basic guidelines you can use to be a better support.


For many of you, this may sound contradictory… As an enchanter, you’re not exactly recognized for being the best champion for having a strong/high damage poking ability to trade.

Image via Riot Games

However, by keeping an eye on your own minions’ health bars, you may poke pretty safely from a distance. By doing so, you will be aware of when the opposing ADC will go in to last-hit the minion, giving you another opportunity to poke because you will know that their primary focus will be on the minion.

Most of the time, you’ll also choose Spellthief’s Edge, which depends on you getting some poke in to acquire gold. This is why, in the early laning phase, you should initially level your poking skill to level 3 before maxing your healing/shielding abilities.

Using situational abilities

As an enchanter, you will almost certainly have several abilities that protect your ADC. These abilities may truly affect the game, and you’d be amazed how many people underestimate them.

Make sure not to spam your ability all the time as it might be a waste of mana, but rather pay attention to when an opponent engages or pokes your ADC and act appropriately.

Many enchanters also have powerful CC or disable abilities, which are useful in specific situations but should not be spammed. Even if this may be of some use, try to focus on the opposing champions and assess which ones pose the greatest threat to your team and your ADC.

Laning and mapping

Understanding a matchup is essential for a solid lane, since your ADC will be primarily concerned with farming and gaining experience. Similarly, sitting back in your tower and having little influence on the lane will not get you anywhere.

Being willing to leave your ADC for a time to assist other lanes is consequently critical, especially in high Elo. You can only roam effectively if you have high map awareness. If you notice the jungle approaching mid-lane, don’t be scared to join the party if you can get there in time.

Wave management is sometimes disregarded in favor of more spectacular and entertaining fights. However, it is a skill that can be decisive in many matchups. Knowing when to push and when to freeze the wave may be extremely beneficial, especially for your ADC.

Finally, warding is only effective if you respond to it. Keep an eye on your mini-map for the appearance of the Jungler. If they are visible, you can be more confident in your own aggressive play. If they were last spotted heading bot side, make sure your view is clear and try not to overextend yourself.

And those are some tips to help you get better with Enchanter Supports. Good luck and have fun!