Faker’s Viral Quotes: “Could You Turn off the Lights?” Trending Top on Korea Social Network [KLEVV X T1]

Faker and his teammates recently had a set of promotional images for KLEVV Memory sponsored brand. Not only is taking a smiling picture, but the T1 also has to act on 5 tones, their hair is stroked like Idols.

The cool, badass, coldly expressions exuded from the series of photos that made fans all over the world fidget. Accordingly, in the individual photos, each member will be “backed” by their own tone and it looks very “artistic”.


From the left: Faker, Teddy, Effort, Canna and Cuzz

Indeed, this is the first time that Faker and his teammates tried this cool “Consul” style, no wonder people were so fluttered. In addition, we have to give a compliment to the stylist team in charge of makeup and hair for this photoshoot, it’s true to forget all the silly images, yes, forget all his silly images of putting feet on the couch and dropping the ice cream, now just only the shine and the perfect charisma.

Faker: “Every time you miss a cannon, your percentage of win rate will be dropped”

Fans think that is all, but they are wrong! Recently, KLEVV has continued to launch a TVC ad that extremely “heart-attack”. “Wonderful” is the phrase that might best describe for this ad, even the background, the color, the way it is shot and the lyrics make it look like a music video invested billions of dollars. Not only posing but the T1 members also have “flirting” quotes that made their fangirls “could not hold the hearts”:

Could you turn off the lights? Need to see my RAM.

How do I feel today? Let me tell you in colors.

This SSD… contain all of my heart?

Wanna be the RAM in your body for one day.

Wanna know your RGB code.

[KLEVV x T1]

Despite just a RAM advertisement, 5 members of T1 look like the newly debuted Kpop idol group. The TVC colors are carefully invested by KLEVV to raise the leverage of advertising. Needless to say, how the fans “screaming madly” at these changes came from the T1 members and many hope that the next TVC ad will also be invested in such images.

“Could You Turn off the Lights?” Trending Top on Korea Social Network

According to the exact information, the “flirting” sentence “Could you turn off the light?” of Faker become extremely viral on Korean LOL forums.

Some comments from international fans:

Who’s that, these are weirdos? I don’t know them, where is my T1 ???

Omg Faker in those clothes …

It looks like an Idol group is about to debut.

At first glance, I almost thought this is an Idol group.

God bless those who have done their make up and hair, I can’t even breathe.

Wow, great, our beloved players have become Idols.

Does anyone know when this group debuted? I want to buy their album …

Girls, you better go out, these guys are mineee.

I suggest Lee SangHyeok, you must keep this hair!

By the way, to complement the point of view above, let’s review some pictures of Faker collaborating with KLEVV in 2016. The “classic” hairstyle that was swept aside, the vintage context and poise suit really didn’t suit Faker at all. However, thinking if one day he wants to come back to this hairstyle, the fans will surely have a … heart attack. Anyway, congratulations to T1 and KLEVV for having such a perfect collaboration.

Read more: https://notagamer.net/the-nickname-meaning-of-t1-members-canna-is-a-big-anime-fan-no-wonder-why-faker-is-the-final-boss/