Froggen analyzes why Anivia adjustments are “so terrible”

Froggen made some serious comments on Anivia changes in Patch 10.25

Froggen – former League of Legends player of team Dignitas, famous for being the “Anivia God” – has recently criticized changes made on The Cryophoenix in League Patch 10.25.

According to a recent stream from Froggen. Nerfs on the AP ratio of Anivia’s Q has changed her laning method, which was popularly used by all her players. More particularly, players will use two Q at level 1 to clear the first minion wave fast, which brings them an advantage in laning phase.

Patch 10.25 changed the AP ratio from 45 percent for the passthrough and detonation effect into respectively 25 and 50 percent, which caused the issue.

“When these minions spawn, and they come here to lane, and we do this [Q] through the creeps, it hits for 147 [HP] which means we can’t last hit them with two Q’s,” he said. “It’s so terrible.” 

“This was one of the reasons Anivia was able to get wave clear and really good pressure level one,” he said in the video.

As Mages are in a very bad state right now, small changes in AP ratio can cause unintended affect on them. You can read more about changes in Patch 10.25 here.