Western gamers are mostly people who hate cats – Hate Yuumi

It seems that the cat Yuumi is loved more by Asian gamers more.

Western gamers are mostly people who hate cats – Hate Yuumi

In May of last year, Riot Games launched Yuumi and created a real craze among League of Legends gamers. Largely due to this cute appearance, this cat has made gamers love cats or cute things. However, Yuumi is still a League of Legends champion after all, and with her overly annoying gameplay, this cat has gradually become the most hated, at least in the West.

Hate Yuumi

Specifically, in Europe – EU West server, Yuumi’s ban rate reached a record number of 73.4%, much higher than other “cancer” champions like Kassadin or Darius. Even on this server, Yasuo only has 33.8% of the ban rate. The situation is not so bad in North America but Yuumi also has a 59.5% ban rate, on par with Graves.

Yuumi has a ban rate of up to 73.4% on servers in Western Europe – Hate Yuumi
In North America, it is a bit lower with the rate of 59.5%. – Hate Yuumi

However, in Asian servers like Korea or Japan, the ban rate of this champion is much lower, only around 10% only. It can be said that within the framework of League of Legends, Asian gamers are cat lovers and do not want to ban this champion, while Western players seem to love dogs more.

Hate Yuumi
Hate Yuumi

One of Yuumi’s critical weaknesses is that the champion has a very weak early game, if there is a jungle or mid lane of a gank opponent, the rate of both cats and owners dying is very high. However, the characteristics of Western LoL players are very lazy to move and interfere with other lanes, especially the two positions of the forest and the mid lane. Many professional gamers on EU servers have complained about this.


This has resulted in Yuumi being able to stay healthy at the stage when she’s weakest, on the road. In the middle of the match when completing the support + 1 main item, Yuumi can buff very strongly for teammates, initiate fights and counterattack well with her ultimate. Moreover, with the sticking mechanism, you are forced to defeat the owner of this cat otherwise she will stay healthy and overcome the deadly weakness of the normal Support. Of course this is only true in Europe and North America.

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Hate Yuumi

In short, due to the habits and passive gameplay of Western gamers, they hate to confront a champion like Yuumi, so the cat’s rate of giving this game is as high as so. Perhaps NA or EU jungle or mid laners should learn the Asian aggression and movement in order to waste a ban for a champion not as strong as Yuumi.