Gangplank nerfs in Patch 13.5: Passive burn reduced, and increased E cooldown

A number of nerfs targeted at particular characters will be included in the League of Legends Patch 13.5. One of the champions that will receive a nerf in the upcoming release is Gangplank.

Gangplank is possibly one of the most well-known choices in high-elo and professional League of Legends play. The champion is renowned for his capacity to deal substantial damage and have an effect on the battlefield due to the fact that his R is a global ultimate.

Due to his high skill cap, mastering Gangplank does require some time and work. Having said that, there is a huge difference between a beginner and an experienced GP players. Inexperienced players may find it challenging to play him, but experts have been outpacing them in the split.

Gangplank nerfs in Patch 13.5

Passive (Trial by Fire)

E (Powder Keg)

Image via Riot Games

Gangplank’s basic AD growth was dropped from 4 to 3.7, and E’s (Powder Keg) extra damage on Critical Strikes was reduced from 10% to 5% in patch 13.1b to make up for the buffs to crit items.

Gangplank is still one of the best toplane champions that is playable in both Ranked Solo/Duo and professional play, despite receiving nerfs in League of Legends version 13.1b.

Image via Riot Games

These patch 13.5 nerfs have so far undoubtedly caused people to experience a variety of feelings. While some players think the nerfs are necessary and address Gangplank’s power in high elo and professional combat, others think they are insufficient.

Nerfing his passive basic damage, in the opinion of many League of Legends players, is a major change that will help temper his insane burst damage.

Additionally, the change to his E (Powder Keg) will help players combat with him much better because the ability is unquestionably his best in the late game to harass and even 1-shot any low health champions.

Image via Riot Games

According to some players, one of the main reasons Gangplank is so powerful is that he has far too much sustain as a late-game scaling champion. This is why playing against him is difficult in the mid-late game, because other champions, even in the hands of strong players, are rarely able to penalize him early in the game.

It will be fascinating to see if playing against Gangplank feels much more equal once League of Legends patch 13.5 goes live.