Ghost is being underestimated, why is that?

Used less often than other summoner spells, but that doesn’t mean that Ghosts are weak, but you haven’t figured out how to combine them effectively.

Ghost is being underestimated

In a Twitter post protesting that Riot Games had a plan to buff Ghost, Streamer Voyboy said it was unnecessary because it was already very strong and he used it in every game.

Ghost is being underestimated

At this point we can not help being startled, is Flash or Teleport with top players like Voyboy not as strong as Ghost? And this guy’s answer is right, Teleport is weaker than Ghost.

Ghost is being underestimated

Voyboy: “Riot buffing Ghost again to force it into the meta is super unneccessary. Ghost is already VERY strong, I know because I’ve been running Flash Ghost successfully almost every game for 5 months. Just because something is not popular / under rated does not make it weak…

Voyboy: Yea, I perma Flash Ghost nimbus cloak everygame almost. It’s super strong and satisfying to use even right now. Think more people will eventually appreciate it soon even if Riot doesn’t buff it.

With the quality of Juggernaut, resisting in the top, effectively approaching the combat is quite a difficult problem.

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The reason is that not all champions have the skill to rush into combat quickly but only to get their teammates to solve problems.

That’s why some gamers who understand the game, like Voyboy above, have sacrificed a bit of lane control with Teleport to use Ghost to get the best combat.

Ghost is being underestimated

What few people notice is that the pearl point Nimbus Cloak will immediately give you additional movement speed and the ability to penetrate objects within 2.5 seconds. While Ghost will increase movement speed after 2 times using auxiliary spells, combining the two things together, you will be able to increase the movement speed continuously instead of having to wait too long or time. The effect is too short if used individually.

Then you will have a top champion with lots of control, damage…attack on the opponent, when you run faster than the opponent, the enemy will not have enough defence before you are touched people.

It helps you can disable an enemy team mainstay out of combat without losing too many resources…In short, Ghost will greatly increase the fighting ability, mobility and continuous fighting of the Top Lane Champions…

So which champions are good for this? The answer is that most top champions as long as they need a large movement speed to comfortably choose a position in the combat.

If you have to mention the typical names, Jax, Tryndamere, Nasus or even Maokai are also good at this spell.

Information From: Twitter