League players strike back at how broken Hecarim is ahead of Worlds 2022

Hecarim is likely to be the strongest jungle champion at this year’s Worlds

Image via Riot Games

Riot decided to give him major adjustments with Worlds 2022 ahead. The update was designed to nudge him into a Bruiser/Fighter build.

The update, however, has severely impacted the champion. Hecarim presently has a S+ rating and a win rate of roughly 51% in Master rank and higher. In summary, he is presently dominating the high-elo meta.

The champion has evolved into an all-purpose unit capable of tanking hits, moving at breakneck speed, and killing enemies at ease. Hecarim requires practically little work to dominate right now, and no jungler can counter him in his present condition.

Image via Riot Games

As of patch 12.17, he is one of the deadliest champions on the Summoner’s Rift, and numerous players have criticized Riot Games for implementing these changes.

Riot receives massive complaints from League community for their Hecarim update

One such issue came from prominent streamer IWDominate, who was backed by many fans who believe Riot Games has been too lax in testing champions.

They feel that releasing extremely broken units has a negative impact on the game and discourages people from playing League.

Broxah, a former Fnatic jungler and Worlds finalist, has also expressed ‘dissatisfaction’ with Hecarim’s state. Broxah recently achieved a Pentakill while casually 1v5-ing in a solo queue game. Despite being well fed, a champion should not be able to do such thing at 15 minute-mark.

As a result, League of Legends players have been pleading with Riot Games to patch the champion. They want big modifications where he is toned down heavily.

Q: Rampage

W: Spirit of Dread

Image via Riot Games

As it turned out, the devs did listen to the fans’ wishes, albeit the response was not immediate. Patch 12.18, which is planned to be released on September 21, will provide few minor nerfs to Hecarim.

League of Legends fans are most concerned about Hecarim’s dominance at Worlds 2022 right now. They believe that if he is not balanced in time, he will have a significant influence on Worlds’ meta.