How did Sofm get 300 Vision Scores in an LPL match?

SofM with his map awareness shocked the entire fan with his perfect vision scores

In the third game between LNG and Suning in week 7 LPL Summer 2021, SofM’s Kha’zix scored up to 297 vision scores in just one game. This score was twice as high as the second-highest vision scorer of the game, which was ON and even higher than the total of 4 out of 5 members of the opponent team (not included the support player). This is an incredible number for a jungle player.

The reason for SofM’s ability to “hack” vision is quite simple when he decided to purchase the Umbral Glaive and Zombie Ward points in his runes

Before being used by SofM, Kha’zix was not always a strong pick in the jungle in the current meta. However, if you have a team that plays to the late game, Kha’zix is surely the most suitable champion. Kha’zix’s skills are his adaptability and ability to successfully flee out of combat.

As for items, Umbral Glaive is a must-have item if you want to maximize the vision score. This item also gains ability haste and lethality over time. And more importantly, Umbral Glaive’s unique passive increases the capacity to locate and break the enemy’s ward, which can generate many advantages to your team in terms of map awareness.

Furthermore, the Zombie Ward point in SofM’s runes helps him with map control. When destroying an enemy’s ward, an allied ward will be summoned directly at that location.

For high elo players, controlling the map vision is very important, but sometimes it can be too risky. In fact, SofM has made several mistakes in his movement around large objectives that have led his team, SN into a losing situation.

With only two weeks remaining in the 2021 LPL Summer Series, SN must win two games against V5 and TT to remain in contention for the Play-offs. Hopefully, SofM and his teammates will be able to overcome their flaws to win.