Huge Maokai improvements League Patch 12.23 that will bring him back to the jungle

Maokai’s modifications in League of Legends should force him back into the jungle

Riot Games has drastically buffed Maokai in an effort to improve tank performance in League of Legends. These buffs are intended to strengthen his potential as a jungler and his performance in the meta.

Complete information about the jungle Maokai in League of Legends PBE

There are two important elements that players should be aware of in these changes. The first is the heal ratio provided by his passive. This modification will increase Maokai’s endurance and presence in any matchup.

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The nicest part about the modification is that the buff isn’t game-changing in any forms.

In reality, in patch 12.20, this heal ratio was lowered to its current range of 4%-10%. That adjustment had a negative impact on his performance, and fans urged the creators to rethink. Riot Games appears to consider that the first nerf was unnecessary with the latest buff.

The buff will also greatly assist Maokai in the top lane. When he was previously nerfed, the champion quickly dropped out of the meta.

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Maokai’s most noticeable adjustment in the upcoming patch is perhaps the increased monster damage. This buff significantly increases Maokai’s jungle clearing pace, putting him among one of the best clearing champions in the game.

Because to the Scuttle Crab modifications, he should now be able to clear the jungle camps in under 3 minutes, which is critical in League of Legends preseason 2023 with its jungle meta. Aside from that, his Q’s improved base damage will boost his wave clear and his viability in the top lane.

Image via Riot Games

Overall, the buffs are geared toward increasing his survivability and his clearing speed in the jungle. Though, it will also guarantee that he has a greater lane presence. The buffs are now on the PBE and will be released alongside patch 12.23, which is set on December 7.