All the interesting facts about Yasuo you may not know

December 14 marks a very important milestone for a League of Legends champion – it’s Yasuo, the Unforgiven.

All the interesting facts about Yasuo you may not know

Yasuo debuted on December 14, 2013, in patch 3.15, thus, up to the present time, this 117th champion has appeared in the Summoner’s Rift for 4 years. Let’s find out some interesting information about this samurai champion.

“Some” Information About Yasuo


– Yasuo was designed by CertainlyT.

facts about Yasuo

– CertainlyT – real name Bradford Wenban, who designed Darius, Thresh, Zyra (working with Coronach and Morello), Yasuo and Kalista.

– Liam O’Brien is the voice of Yasuo.

Yasuo is the name to refer to a boy in Japanese, the meaning of which varies depending on how the Kanji is used. Yasuo was not his real name, but the name was given to him when he joined the sword school, and it was the name to refer to Yasuo’s free, self-centred ego.

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facts about Yasuo

Yasuo is designed based on the image of Musashi Miyamoto, a Japanese swordsman. Yasuo’s appearance and hair are quite similar to the Miyamoto, and in terms of fighting, it is somewhat similar to Miyamoto before he invented the Second School. Yasuo’s techniques and movements are a bit similar to Haohmaru, a character in the popular game series Samurai Spirits / Samurai Shodown.

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Yasuo’s provocative and teasing effects are also based on this character; it was the act of drinking a mouthful of wine then spitting on his sword, which was what Haohmaru did as a prayer before every match.


– The flute that Yasuo uses when dancing is called Shakuhachi.

– A traditional Japanese Shakuhachi flute.

facts about Yasuo

-In the High Noon skin, Yasuo uses the Harmonica.

– As for the PROJECT skin, Yasuo uses an electronic trumpet.

– Yasuo is one of five champions with a difficulty of up to 100 points, the remaining four champions are Anivia, Cassiopeia, Evelynn, and Rumble.

– Yasuo is the second champion not to use mana but has a difficulty of 100, Rumble is the first champion.

Summoner’s Rift

Ever since he appeared, Yasuo has completely changed the mid and top lane play styles. A physical damage-oriented champion, assassin, capable of strong roulette when facing multiple targets or very good 1v1.

As a champion requires very high skills, so when debuted, there are quite a few professional players to put into use in their matches.

facts about Yasuo

Over time, however, these players found Yasuo’s strengths/weaknesses and discovered how to use this champion perfectly – at that point, Yasuo was beginning to become popular.

A strong lane champion thanks to his internal armour and W ability, Yasuo has both strong offensive ability and good defensive ability with his kit.

And yet, Yasuo’s ultimate can interact with a lot of other champions (capable of knocking), creating a premise for this champion to be able to use the final moves, create wombo combos, sweeps clean the enemy in a blink of an eye.

Yasuo is a champion with infinite power. Yasuo has an extremely high amount of damage over time thanks to his skill and how to build items, the ability to stack damage very well as well as be able to combine with teammates through the ultimate.

As a melee champion and does not really have escape skills (without a wave of minions), Yasuo is very susceptible to strong control skills and lies down even when the combat has not yet started.

Yasuo is a champion with very good gameplay, however, it also requires the driver to have good individual skills.

At the moment, though, Yasuo does not appear much in the professional arena, but Yasuo still has a good position among the samurai fans, the rate of appearance as well as winning at the servers high. Hopefully, in the future will continue to make modifications to Yasuo, to be able to help this champion more and more perfect!