Jungle Champions Are Currently Used by Korea Challenger in Solo-lane

Besides being Jungle champions, these champions have the incredible ability in solo-lane.

The Korean Challenger has always been the birthplace of extremely creative gameplay, so far. In the current meta, some of the Jungle champions are being used as a strategy in an incredibly successful way to create mutations in the Mid and Top lane.

Here is a list of Jungle champions that were brought to solo-lane in patch 10.12:

Fiddlesticks Top

After the remake, Fiddlesticks was considered to be a weak champion, so he is not commonly used.

During laning phase, Fiddlesticks prove to be an extremely inhibited champion with his super-fast lane-pushing by using (W) Bountiful Harvest. If an enemy enters or wants to dive turret, it is very difficult to finish off Fiddlesticks since he can drain health by (W) and counter-attack from the damage of (Q) and (E). Not to mention the mechanism of Terrify’s activation strikes a target unit with fear that makes the enemy Jungler return empty-handed every gank.

Roaming for Fiddlesticks becomes easy than ever since he can control the vision with his passive and the Ultimate (R)Crowstorm is extremely unexpected.

By late-game, Fiddlesticks will be even stronger with his annoying stalking ability. The Ultimate just appears in the right place and right time will contribute greatly in team combat both in terms of damage and crowd control.

Runes and recommended items for Top Fiddlesticks

Evelynn Mid

Evelynn Mid has the ability to gank no less than Jungle.

As one of the few champions that have a strong resilience from the passive, therefore, staying long in laning-phase is not too difficult for Evelynn. Especially, at level 3, Evelynn can quickly clear the CS to push the lane high then support the Jungler to control vision and objs on the map very well.

Since level 6, controlling Evelynn in Mid lane become very difficult for the enemies. By now, she just only takes one combo to clear all the minions, if there is a roam, the opponents will hardly to follow her closely because of the camouflage passive, Demon Shade.

Evelynn’s main role in late-game was an assassin specializing in hunting low-blooded champions wandering alone. If the enemy moves too safely and does not go alone, Evelynn could make use of her skillset to hunt down their main carry just one full combo and retreat gently with the Ultimate Last Caress. Since the passive which helps Evelynn recover quickly, she just slightly leaves the combat and already returns to the “safe” HP. If using Eve go in and out of the combat cleverly, she will be an extremely dangerous champion in the eyes of the enemy team.

Runes and recommended items for Evelynn Mid

Graves Mid

Unlike the two above, not only Graves is a very hot and strong Jungler at the current meta, but also extremely strong at the Mid lane.

In the early stages, Graves’ main “job” was farming like many other champions. Until he has several pieces of items that increase damage and lethalities like Long Sword or Serrated Dirk, the playstyle could be more “aggressively” at this time. Graves’ skill kit allows him to flexible “kite” the enemies, if he is ganked, he can simply throw the (W) and surf safely by (E).

At mid-game, Graves can relatively solo kill well with huge damage, good dodging and especially the long-range Ultimate can hit the decisive blow in unexpected moments. At this point, Graves can strongly roam the map with 1-2 lethal items in hand.

After all, Graves can split push or move with the team to combat or control objectives, depending on the position and tactics of the team. However, regardless of the role, the amount of Graves’ damage is extremely large, enough to make an enemy “faded” in the blink of an eye if he could approach the target.

Runes and recommended items for Graves Mid

Read more: https://notagamer.net/not-long-after-patch-10-12-was-released-a-lot-of-bugs-have-been-found/