League of Legends: Jungle Pets need to be removed for breaking Champions’ Mechanics

Players have characterised the jungle pets mechanic introduced in League of Legends during the 2023 Preseason as “broken,” and many players have called for it to be altered or removed

Jungle pets were introduced during the preseason 2023 to shake up the meta, as part of Riot Games’ plan to make jungling more beginner friendly, as the feature needed little involvement from players other than farming.

Image via Riot Games

However, recent player feedback has disclosed that jungle pets can disrupt many champions’ mechanics, including exposing your vision to the enemy.

Jungle pets accompany players around the game and have a physical form to help them clear areas. The problem is that this model lags slightly behind the champion, which means opponents can track them down to locate the other champion.

Players have taken to League of Legends Reddit to discuss and address this issue. One player even mentioned that pets and pet bugs have disrupted the basic mechanics of many champions like Shaco, Neeko, and others.

 You cant tell the difference between a jungle camp and a pet. If someone isnt doing a camp but their pet is moving I might invade too early bc I think theyre taking a camp.”

“I love them as a reksai main as they have their own Tremor I can see to always know if it’s the jungler I’m stalking”

Images via Riot Games

Another player pointed out that Rek’Sai’s tremor sense passive also extends to pets, which means the pet companion informs Rek’Sai which champion they’re looking for. This feature is also compatible with Lulu’s pix, Kindred’s wolf models, and Yorick’s ghosts.

With many features being interrupted by the unnecessary visual impact of pets, a player proposed that the issue could be addressed by removing the physical appearance of the pets for all players in the game except those who use it.