League devs intentionally buff Cloud Drake and adjust Everfrost on the PBE

Recently on October 20, Riot Games published a detailed article on the League of Sports webpage to introduce players to the most notable changes of the 2022 Pre-Season. Basically, the content of this article is to clarify the information about the two new Dragons, The Hextech and the Chemtech Dragon.

Despite this, the league community still discovered more remarkable information about the preseason 2022 but not mentioned by Riot.

League PBE preseason 2022 changes

The modifications to the Cloud Dragon boost were one big change that wasn’t in League’s official Season 12 list. Specifically, the Cloud Dragon will be changed in the next Preseason 2022, when it will improve its movement speed by 3.5% out of combat and boost its resistance to slow by 3.5%. The Cloud Drake soul remains unchanged, with a bonus 10% movement speed and increased movement speed after using Ult.

With the upcoming buff, Cloud Drake will now significantly assist players who want to roam around the map, particularly the mid lane.

Cloud Drake having the lowest win rate in the game

The buffs are a huge step up for what many players believe to be League’s worst Drake. Since Riot is adding two new ones in Season 12: Hextech and Chemtech. They both have powerful boosts, which might explain why Cloud Dragon is getting some tweaks, as its prior buffs were lacking.

Besides the buff, Everfrost was also discovered to have a new recipe of Lost Chapter, Ruby Crystal, and Amplifying Tome, making its overall cost down from 3200 to 2800. And, Everfrost now only grants 70 AP and 10 AP for each Legendary item.

This adjust appears that Riot wants this Mythic item in League to be more suitable for Support champions as the rune Glacial Augment also got buffed in the preseason 2022. The decrease in the purchase price and component items is no longer prohibitively expensive, making the item easier to access for Support type champions.

With many more updates and changes coming to season 12, it is without a doubt will be an exciting preseason for all League players.