League community praised at this “easy to learn, impossible to master” champion

The League of Legends community is frequently critical of various champions, their designs, skills, and pretty much anything else. This time, though, the players celebrated one of the roster’s champions.

Image via Riot Games

“Easy to learn, impossible to master” League of Legends champion

The community lauded Ezreal’s design as outstanding in a recent Reddit post on the official League of Legends subreddit. The author lauded the champion’s design and kit in the post, emphasizing that it’s simple to learn yet has depth that makes him difficult to master.

“Ezreal is peak champion design,”

“Simple to play, easy to understand, but almost impossible to truly master,”

Image via Riot Games

In March 2010, Ezreal was introduced to the roster as one of the first champions in League of Legends. Ezreal is the face of the AD carry role. And for years, he has found himself in the meta, being one of the most popular picks in both solo queue and pro play for both of the easy and complex side of the champion. His kit has basically stayed intact since then, with a few small tweaks here and there.

The most significant modification was to his W, which previously did not attach to enemies when struck but was instead a basic, AP-based skillshot like his Q but goes through all enemies.

Image via Riot Games

Before the update, his W was his most major issue, leaving him nearly useless in the eyes of many players (except for SivHd). This is also the key point for people in the community that disagree with Ezreal having a great design ever since his debut in League.