League of Legends Patch 14.5 early notes: Seraphine changes, Diana buffs, and more

Patch 14.5 marks an imminent shift in League of Legends, the renowned MOBA that captivates millions of players worldwide. Among the plethora of modifications slated for this update, one of the most notable alterations pertains to the beloved champion, Seraphine.

Scheduled to roll out on March 6, 2024, as per Riot Games’ patch schedule, Patch 14.5 promises a wave of adjustments that could potentially redefine gameplay dynamics. However, it’s imperative to acknowledge that the details outlined here are insights garnered from data mines on the PBE servers, and thus subject to potential revisions before the official release.

Image via Riot Games

Seraphine stands at the forefront of these anticipated modifications. The forthcoming patch is poised to usher in significant changes to her scaling mechanisms, signaling a departure from her current trajectory within the game’s meta.

As the community eagerly awaits the arrival of Patch 14.5, speculation abounds regarding how these adjustments will shape Seraphine’s role and influence in the Summoner’s Rift.

Image via Riot Games

League of Legends Patch 14.5 early notes



E: Lunar Rush


R: Fate’s Call


Base Stats

Passive: Stage Presence

Q: High Note

W: Surround Sound

E: Beat Drop

R: Encore