League of Legends: Why is Riot selling Epic skins for 1820RP?

Image via Riot Games

Riot is releasing new skin for Irelia, but it appears that some fans are not pleased. Her new Mythmaker skin is meant to be the first legendary of the year, however many fans are dissatisfied by the animations.

Irelia is an old champion who depends largely on her auto attacks and passive, which set her apart from others, however, it appears that many fans are unwilling to pay 1820 RP for her poor animation of the impending Mythmaker skin, compared to other Legendary skins.

Fans disappoint by Riot’s new Legendary skin: Mythmaker Irelia

Following the introduction of one of the best Legendary skins of all time, Winterblessed Diana, as well as a unique and amazingly fantastic legendary skin for Empyrean Pyke, this new Mythmaker Irelia skin appears lackluster.

Fans agree that the skin is stunning and that the theme and colors complement her well. But many criticisms from the community have been made about the absence of updated VFX on her passive, as well as the lack of new auto-attack animations.

Justalostdudeasking, a Reddit user, pointed out that there are several aspects missing from the skin to really classify it as legendary, especially given the great legendaries the community has gotten in the last two months.

One of the most important things they brought up was the fact that Irelia didn’t get a new auto-attack animation despite being an auto-attack-based champion.

Her passive, which is another vital element of her overall kit, likewise has no effect… when compared to Winterblessed Diana Pentakill effect, it’s just poor.

Images via Riot Games

Also, the animations for E and W are nearly identical, and the voice-over for her W hasn’t been updated. Irelia doesn’t even get a unique animation for a kill, therefore this skin doesn’t stand out from the crowd.

This isn’t the first time Riot has failed with its 2022 skins. The legendary Sivir skin was also failing, and two Ashen Knight skins, which are mythic and deemed rare, were also poorly regarded by the community.

It remains to be seen if Riot will make significant adjustments to the skin; for the time being, it is only a matter of time.