League of Legends: Riot Games officially spoke about the father of Sett

Ryan “Reav3” Mireles, Riot’s Champions Design Team Leader, publicly mentioned this rumor on Reddit and claimed it was incorrect. However, all the hypotheses reject the information from the developer representative.

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So is Sett’s father Draven or is it someone else?

1. Information about Sett

Sett had an unhappy childhood, which is told in his biography. Sett has a father who mysteriously disappeared. The father came from Noxus, for some reason left his family and let Sett grow up with hatred and intimidation from outsiders. Sett could not find a suitable place for the Vastaya.

When Sett was young, he father was the one who protected Sett from prejudices. Sett must change, he is tough in every situation. In his rage, he began to use his fists to all who insulted him.

Realizing the violent behavior, Sett’s mother warned him not to go to the arena – his father’s familiar place.

Who else is intimately involved in the arena of Noxus? So Draven is Sett’s father? Basically, the arena for Draven is just where he kills Noxus prisoners.

2. What about Draven?

Draven always wants to make himself the center of attention. Draven is famous. But that was not enough for Draven and he decided he needed to show the world his talent.

Draven aspires to fame, wants all recognition. There is no sign that Draven will give up the dream just for a child, even if it’s his son.

In order to be famous, Draven must have achieved the feat during the time he invaded Ionia. And what could be better than when Draven defeated all of the strongest characters in every place he went? Imagine a world in which Draven wins in every arena ?!

3. The similarities

Comparing these two characters, they both thought they had done nothing wrong. Draven will never become an exemplary father and he knows it. Draven chose to leave rather than ruin his life due to the responsibilities of a husband and a father. With that decision, Draven ruined Sett’s childhood.

Riot employees are trying to get players out of these speculations. But over time, the Draven and Sett hypotheses are father and son increasingly clear. Sett’s profile has an image of Draven – though in theory the developer has never claimed the two champions are related to each other.