League of Legends: Syndra is returning to pro plays, K’Sante is proving himself worthy at Pro League

K’Sante is becoming a champion picked and banded by many teams in friendly tournaments ahead of League 2023 season

Although it is still too early to determine the meta of League of Legends tournaments when entering the Spring 2023 period, the community can already guess somewhat from friendly tournaments. The most notable is the Demacia Cup 2022 when the LPL’s mid-range teams show great determination when the big teams have not had time to warm up.

This tournament still lacks many top League players, but it is clear that the quality of expertise is highly appreciated by experts. Ignoring the performances of each team, it can be seen that the number of champions used is still diverse and there have been quite a lot of changes compared to Worlds 2022.

According to Leaguepedia statistics, there have been 92 different champions selected in just 77 games, especially none of them being considered too strong.

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The champion with the highest win rate was Syndra with a striking 67.5% pick and ban rate. Syndra has really made a strong comeback thanks to the arrival of new items or Riot’s “mid-patch” at the end of the season. This is the most preferred mid lane champion of the tournament, followed by the return of Ryze, and Akali.

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The two champions behind Syndra are K’Sante and Fiora, who actually dominate the top lane when they can confront many champions. Fiora and K’Sante’s win rates are also extremely impressive (69.6% and 62.5%, respectively).

In the bot lane, Varus, Zeri, and Yuumi are also seeing some love from the players. Meanwhile, the duo Lucian and Nami still retained their position in the meta.

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The Jungle is the position with the most changes in the League preseason 2023, but unlike solo queues, professional teams still make fairly safe and easy options at this position. Wukong, Sejuani, Vi, Kindred, Lee Sin… being heavily selected suggests teams want strong open positions.

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Facing the above situation, the community hopes that the updates at the beginning of League 2023 season will help open the jungle position, creating conditions for new champions to have the opportunity to return as much as other lanes.