League of Legends: What’s better, old or new shop?

The shop interface is still a small yet controversial issue in the League community

The season 2021 will be remembered as one of the most transformative seasons in the league’s history. Regardless of team transfers or awards, League of Legends has numerous changes, even in-game. The update in the UI of the shop is typical of them and has the greatest influence on players.

League of Legends in-game shop

If the shop interface in the game used to be very simple in the past, consisting just of a list of item names in one column and the rest being in the full category, Riot has attempted to provide new experiences to players with the new design.

Instead of straining to discover unique and perfect items, the shop may now automatically propose the three most appropriate items for the match to defeat the opponent. Of course, players can continue to develop their own build path.

Old shop
The new shop interface is more accessible for new players

However, the new interface may not be ideal for some players. The explanation stated is that every League match is full of variables and unforeseen scenarios, which are not always up to the recommendation. Not to add that some of the items are being labeled as not very reasonable.

On the League of Legends subreddit forum, one particular user mentioned that Wit’s End is not being classed in the marksmen section, but instead being put in fighter class, despite the fact that Wit’s End is currently the core item of some on-hit ADC: Ashe, Vayne, Kog’Maw, Kai’sa,…

However, given that Riot’s goal is always to grow and raise the number of players, the new interface is still doing a good job. As previously said, new players no longer need to use web tutorials before returning to the game build, although there are tips to equip wisely even in the shop. Not to add, behind each item, there is information such as which champions to defeat and information on the standard build equipment.

Nevertheless, Riot will undoubtedly continue to explore ways to improve features that were previously accessible in League in the future.