League of Legends: Zed can dance while dying to give the team vision

If you play Zed and get slained, you will probably want to dance before getting back to your fountain.

Designed as a mysterious ninja as well as a mid-lane assassin, Zed has been favored by a lot of players since he was published, especially in soloQs. However, a large number of low-elo players also use this champion despite his high difficulty and they even think that Zed is quite similar to Thanos: snap your fingers and your enemies will become dust… This leads to uncalculated attacks, useless deaths and gradually becoming a burden to their teammates

Facing with these idiots sucks all the time, doesn’t it?

But a few hours ago, a Reddit user named “u/Vascrat” suddenly found a brand new feature of The Master of Shadows, which makes him absolutely useful even when he is slained. His post whose title “If you dance as Zed while dying you keep the vision” quickly got 13.000 upvotes due to his interesting finding.

Loads of comments have been left below this post, mostly as they were really surprised that this bug has been existing in LoL so far. Somebody feels guilty for blaming their feeding Zed teammates as they really didn’t know that if those players were intentionally feeding or they were just trying to give the team vision.

Poor Zed players who suicide to give the team vision…
A new, more efficient way to play Zed?
Is Zed joining the “Suicide Squad” with Karthus and Sion???

Although it was funnily called a feed-to-win tactic, this stuff is actually a bug in LoL because basically, a dead champion cannot provide vision to his/her teammates. This bug can be explained that Riot coded Zed’s shadow as an untargetable unit. This seems to be an interesting interaction as well as an unknown mechanism of The Master of Shadows.

The developer teams of Riot Games are currently having a highly-necessary week off, so this bug will not soonly be fixed. Hope that this bug will disappear as soon as possible to avoid unfair situations or intentional feeders using this bug to explain for their such bad behaviors.