League Patch 11.14 features nerf for Akali, Xin Zhao, Nocturne, and buff Graves, Darius

League Patch 11.14 is prioritizing on nerfing high-priority draft choices for professional play.

Prepare for some huge meta changes coming with the League Patch 11.14.

Image via Riot Games

Riot Games appears to be making adjustments to a few prominent names in the current competitive League of Legends meta, with alterations made to certain champions who have already taken their position at the top of many teams’ priority lists.

Riot’s lead game designer, Jeevun Sidhu, has stated that champions including as Akali, Karma, Nocturne, and Xin Zhao, as well as Malzahar, Shaco, and Ziggs, would be nerfed in the upcoming patch. Some large bruiser top laners, on the other hand, will be buffed, including Darius, Garen, and Illaoi. According to the League Patch 11.14 preview, Taric and Seraphine will receive buffs, in addition to adjustments for junglers like Graves, Rek’Sai, and Ivern.

Dr. Mundo’s flexibility toward the top and jungle is being adjusted, while Tahm Kench’s flexibility toward support and top is being calibrated. Both champions have had their kits reworked and may require some fine-tuning to ensure that they are balanced in any role they pick. Irelia and Lillia are also getting some tweaks, but this time it’s more about how they fit into pro play formations.

Akali, Karma, Xin Zhao, and Nocturne have all had a significant influence on the pro meta, particularly in Europe and North America, with each champion increasing in pick and ban frequency globally. According to Games of Legends, Akali is being nerfed after being one of the strongest choices in the mid lane, ranking at the top with 153 bans across the four major regions while also having a 69-percent victory rate after 71 played games.

Image via Riot Games

On the opposite side of Summoner’s Rift, players will need to wait for certain numbers before reacting fully to the benefits introduced in League Patch 11.14. Riot has had to be cautious about how powerful certain individual champions become, although boosts for certain bruiser champions were predicted when Stridebreaker was given substantial modifications, including the loss of its sprint. It’s unknown how Riot will balance these characters in the future, given that they may have to build differently.

Furthermore, Sidhu stated that the developer team examined the data for League‘s newest champion, Gwen, and how she has been doing. Anyone who believes the Hallowed Seamstress should be nerfed will be dismayed to see that “her solo queue numbers are fairly respectable in terms of both win rate and ban rate.” In actuality, she is only performing in the Western competitive regions, while the Eastern regions do not consider her to be OP.

League Patch 11.14 is scheduled to be released to live servers on Thursday, July 8.