League Patch 11.6 hit Renekton, Lillia with heavy nerfs

Some of the best League champions are getting tuned down with the release of League Patch 11.6.

Image via Riot Games

More details about League Patch 11.6 have been announced earlier by Mark “Scruffy” Yetter – Lead Gameplay Designer of League of Legends, regarding several changes and nerfs for some of the best champions of the meta.

The two champions that may be hit the hardest with the release of the new version of the game could be Renekton and Lillia, with both ultimates has been heavily tuned down.

The nerf on Renekton’s ultimate in League Patch 11.6 is aiming towards his late-game power and sustainability in combats. The bonus health from R in max rank will be reduced from 750 to 550, which can make him less of a threat as the game is shifting into late game.

Lillia’s R cooldown will be increased at all ranks, from 130 to 150 seconds at level six and from 90 to 110 seconds at max rank. The nerf is aiming at reducing her presence in teamfights during the match.

The two champions have already shown a strong presence in professional play this season. Renekton with a pick/ban rate of 68 percent is the third-highest across all pro regions, while Lillia with a 59 percent presence is the 10th highest champion according to gol.gg.

So far this Season, Renekton has been the best pick for top lane in pro plays, while Lillia stood in the second place, right after Olaf as the most presence Jungle.

League Patch 11.6 is scheduled on March 17, arcording to the official patch schedule of 2021.