League patch 11.22: Riven, Kalista, and Varus get bonus ratio on their E, Yuumi’s E got nerfed heavily

Many skirmishers are set to dominate again with the upcoming buffs

Recently, Riot had announced the preview of patch 11.22, which outlined a total of 11 champions that will receive buffs and nerfs, and with one item adjustment buffs, which is Goredrinker.

Earlier today, RiotPhlox has published the full content of the previous preview, which features some interesting modifications.

League patch 11.22 will see buffs to skirmishers

First, in the upcoming update, a few of the champions will receive many ratio boosts. Varus and Kalista will both have their E ratios increased: Kalista’s Rend went from 60% >> 70%, and Varus’ Hail of Arrows went from 60% >> 90%.

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Both of these champions are on the verge of becoming ADC staples, and tiny buffs like this might pave the way for more consistent play. Varus is usually popular for his Lethality playstyle, having a 30% increase to his E might just help him with bursting down targets even faster.

Many Riven OTP is exciting to see these buffs in the upcoming patch 11.22 as the champion is getting an increase on her Ki Burst (W). The beginning damage has been increased to 65 but the level increase has remained the same at 30.

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The Exiled’s defensive Valor (E) ability was also improved, making the ratio 120% instead of 100%. These buffs, though minimal, Riven players are still satisfied with the bonus 20% on her E can make her even harder to kill.

Alongside Riven, Renekton is getting his stun (W) reverted, from 1 second to 1.5 seconds stun. Kayn’s Rhaast form AD ratio on Q, healing from R will also see an increase. The AP scaling of Akali’s Assasin’s Mark (P) has been increased significantly. A boost like this might return the Rogue Assasin to her former glory as a mid-lane threat.

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As for the nerf, many hot metas will eventually see a downside to their abilities. Qiyana will receive multiple nerfs to her base HP, Q, and E damage. Graves will have his Crit damage reduced. And for the most broken support at Worlds, Yuumi will see a significant nerf to her healing and the bonus movement speed she gots from it.

Players are expected to see patch 11.22 changes go live on 3 November, according to the game’s patch schedule.