League Patch 13.7: Riot buffing Katarina might make her broken again

Champions such as Katarina and Yasuo will be buffed in Patch 13.7, and players are concerned that this will be unhealthy to the game, particularly in the case of Katarina

Image via Riot Games

With teams from all over the globe competing for a place at MSI, Riot has been working on changing the pro play standard previous to the tournament’s start. The next two patches will decide and mould a new meta, requiring players to completely rethink themselves in order to compete with the new optimal picks and tactics.

Riot developers are also attempting to buff some of the underperforming champions in solo queue in Patch 13.7 with Katarina’s presence.

Katarina might be too broken with these buffs in Patch 13.7

However, some Reddit users have questioned whether the forthcoming changes to Kata’s ultimate will truly be game changers.

One Redditor explained how Katarina’s new buffs could affect the game, stating that new on-hit and attack speed builds could totally destroy this champion and make it difficult to stop her. While her AD scaling has been reduced, the higher her attack speed, the better her scaling.

According to the Reddit post, at level 18, with items like Kraken Slayer, Blade of the Ruined King, Wit’s End, Rageknife, the ultimate could inflict up to 5100 physical damage over the course of 2.5 seconds.

This is due to the fact that, in addition to all attack-speed items, Kraken Slayer gives passive attack speed for every Legendary item finished. At complete build, she gains an additional 40% attack speed for free.

Katarina has everything you’d want in her kit, delivering not only magic damage but also true damage and attack damage. With the addition of on-hit Katarina, there is absolutely no bad build on this champion, and the only way to halt her is through hard CC only.

Image via Riot Games

Finally, the Reddit user believes that in order to keep Katarina healthy, Riot should either eliminate the delay on her E reset, allowing her to dash immediately and perform dependable combos, or introduce a new item similar to Hextech Gunblade.

So, despite being one of the most fearsome assassins in League, Katarina presently has a 49.35% win rate, which Riot hopes to improve with these buffs. When LoL Patch 13.7 goes live on April 6, it will be interesting to see how they affect her performance.