League players already call Aurelion Sol Rework a “complete failure”

Is the Aurelion Sol Rework actually bad?

Aurelion Sol, the Star Forger, was introduced in League of Legends in 2016. And he is the game’s first genuine celestial dragon champion. Though players were ecstatic to see and play him for the first time, they quickly learned how clumsy and unintuitive he was.

Riot Games has granted a full CGU to the celestial dragon after four years of without receiving a single buff. Aurelion Sol’s update was released yesterday, and League of Legends players had a lot to say about it.

League players have already expressed their concerns on League’s subreddit that Aurelion Sol’s rework may be a flop. Players detailed how the champion’s playstyle has generally remained the same, but now has unlimited scaling and access to equipment that make him tankier.

Basically, he suffers from the same play pattern that made him difficult, except that his kit is now stacked with limitless scaling and high scalings, and he has recourse to items that make him tankier.

In brief, the champion’s playstyle still focus mainly on clearing out waves as quickly as possible and then roam to any other lanes.

On the other hand, other players believe that the champion is not a failure at all, but rather a little overpowered, making it nearly difficult to lose a teamfight with Aurelion Sol on your side due to his high scaling numbers and relatively easy-to-hit spells.

Image via Riot Games

Although some may disagree, others consider it a success because the change significantly boosted the champion’s play rate numbers in Patch 13.3.

For the time being, it’s difficult to assess the general state of Aurelion Sol because the rework has only been available for one day.