League players have already found Zeri’s biggest counter?

It looks like Riot would have to deal with this situation when Zeri’s official release date is just around the corner

Image via Riot Games

Riot, as we all know, introduced League’s 158th champion, Zeri, on January 7. Essentially, the gameplay of her is to use the mobility of her kit and her movement speed gained from the passive to pick her position and kit the enemy. Meanwhile, when both her E and her ultimate complement this approach, Zeri’s primary damage will come from the Q – Burst Fire.

However, League players have found that Amumu will be a great counter pick to  Spark of Zaun, even if the champion has not officially released. According to her description, Zeri’s Q would discharge seven rounds of physical damage and scale with 110% of her AD when activated. The unique aspect of this is that these 7 rounds will be counted as 7 different auto-attacks and will be fired in a very short period of time.

In theory, Amumu’s E can minimize damage from all forms of attacks, including physical damage. The E – Tantrum lowered the seven fatal bullets when Zeri launched her Q at Amumu. It should be noted that Amumu’s capacity to minimize this damage will improve as he gains armor and magic resistance.

According to the video showcased by Vandiril, when attacking Amumu, her Q dealt 0 damage because the whole amount of damage was prevented by Tantrum. So, after Amumu gets to a certain level and enough items, all of her damage would become worthless against this champion, causing the action of stacking her Q to be interrupted.

Image via Riot Games

This encounter is especially intriguing since no one believes that a long-time champion like Amumu can “counter” a non-release one. Not to add that Amumu’s CC-chain disable Zeri’s mobility, making her far more vulnerable.