Lee Sin is getting back to the Rift in patch 12.18

Lee Sin, one of the most beloved champions in LoL, is going to receive some buffs in patch 12.18

Recently, Riot have revealed their plan for the adjustments in patch 12.18 – the official patch for Worlds 2022. In this worth-considering patch, there will be 12 champions being buffed/nerfed so as to create as exciting a Worlds as they can.

We obviously have no difficulties figuring out how much Riot are preparing for Worlds 2022. Since patch 12.16, they have done multiple updates to unbalancing champions or items, typically Zeri. They also gave some changes to the inferior ones to bring them back to this international arena. Patch 12.18 is going to be their final step in this plan and Lee Sin – a familiar name to most LoL players, seems to be brought back to Worlds.

About Lee Sin, he would possibly be the only jungle champion to be buffed in patch 12.18. The Blind Monk has joined the Rift for a really long time and has won the favor of global LoL players thanks to his muscular appearance and “magical” kit, which inquires enormous practice and skills.

In ranked, Lee Sin is still a relatively considerable choice for the jungle lane with early pressure and remarkable insecs in fights (with high-skill players, obviously). However, in pro leagues, current matches tend to be long-lasting and players prefer late-game fights. As a result, comparing with Viego, Poppy, or Wukong, Lee Sin is definitely not a good choice. So, Riot decided to give him some boosts in the late game:

Base HP growth: 99 => 105
W Vamp: 5-23% => 5-27%

Previously, Lee Sin also benefited from Energy-using champions buffs in patch 12.15. Hopefully, with these positive movements from Riot on his tankiness and healing, this monk will be back to the Rift and stir up Worlds this year.