Lillia Guide: Runes, Builds and How to Get Your First Win with Lillia

If you think Teemo, Yasuo or even Zoe is the most annoying champion when confronted? That was only true before Lillia made her debut.

The first thing you need to understand when you learn to play Lillia is what role this champion plays in the League of Legends. Lillia is an AP Bruiser that’s capable of darts in and out of fights, and her playstyle depends on kiting enemies to deal damage over time.

You can find out in the latest Lillia’s teaser, Lillia’s kit makes her one of the few melee-ranged mages in League of Legends. She excels at both burst and consistent DPS at a close-range and thrives with hints of mobility dashed across her kit.

Her common play is kiting enemy by taking advantage of (Q) passiveBlooming Blows. In addition, the ability of the passive Dream Laden Bough to deal max percent health magic damage which allows Lillia to cause tons of damage even if the opponent is a tanker.

Thanks to large movement speed, it provides her many options in withdrawing from the combat or bursting damage. You can “prank” the opponents easily and select the right time to strike the final blow. It can be said that Riot Games has given Lillia the most inhibiting skill set in League of Legends.

The passive gives Lillia move speed every time she hits an enemy, stacking up to five times

Runes and Builds

There are a variety of Runes and Items that are viable on Lillia (Dark Harvest, Fleet Footwork,…), however, the most important point for Lillia is the Ravenous Hunter since she has notability to recover naturally, but to survive in the jungle in early-game, recover from Hunter’s Talisman is not enough. In addition, you can choose a variety of play styles such as stacking damage with Electrocute, Conqueror for long-term combat or multi-use with Glacial Augment. Even maximize mobility with Phase Rush is also worth trying.

Lillia Electrocute to burst damage

If you play Lillia top, you should use Conqueror to duel stronger

Phase Rush will help Lillia kite extremely strong

If your team is versatility, Glacial Augment is not bad at all

Lillia’s core items are the Rylai’s Crystal Scepter and Liandry’s Torment (of course you will need Runic Echoes if going jungle). The reason is that these duo items interacted so well with Lillia’s skillset and gameplay itself along with the ability to deal damage over time from passive and CC from (E)Swirlseed (making slow) and Ultimate (R)Lilting Lullaby (sleep).

If you get those items second and third, or first and second, you’ll be in a good place to adapt your build in the late game. Easy being burst by enemies mage and need more resistances? Build Zhonya’s Hourglass, Banshee’s Veil, or even Dead Man’s Plate. Lack of damage? Void Staff and Rabadon’s Deathcap are your best bets.

Try to complete Rylai Crystal Scepter and Liandry’s Full Face Mask to maximize Lillia’s damage.

Tips and Tricks

Lillia can be played in the jungle, or in a solo lane. This makes for two completely different styles of play. Lillia Jungle is all about power-farming until you hit level 6 and get your Runic Echoes. After that, your ganks with the sleep are some of the strongest in the game.

You need to be moving constantly in the jungle to take full advantage of the Q passive movement speed. And remember that Lillia doesn’t have the ability to recover directly from the kit, so it’s essential to kite monsters to maximize your HP.

The aim is to increase the pace of clearing the jungle by eating Blue buff and getting at least level 2 or higher, using (E) in nearby Gromp and eat both at the same time.

The ultimate destination can be shown by Lillia’s (E) when it hits an enemy or terrain and also reveal the area where it lands, and slow any enemies hit. It will help your teammates pay more attention to the surroundings and put together an effective gank.

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This (E) will fly forward for a while and then roll away when used, so don’t throw it behind enemies or you’re going to waste it. Additionally, when exploded, Swirlseed causes damage to a small cone in front of you, enabling you to use this power to target enemies who seek to hide behind minions.

Basically, Lillia is not really a strong champion at the early stage, some champions that can approach and have great early damage like Lee Sin, Elise, Nidalee can counter this girl. So if you meet these aforementioned names, find a way to dodge them and wait for the teamfights phase to “revenge”.

Or using Fleet Footwork & Ravenous Hunter like this guy as well

In lane, it’s all about dashing in and out of the wave, always trying to keep your passive up on your enemy at all times. It’s like playing Darius ⁠— the more work your passive does in lane, the harder it is for your enemies to step up to the wave. If your jungler comes into gank, getting a slow off with your E is key as pre-level 6, that’s your only CC.

In the middle stage of the game, you want to look at enabling your team to get some good fights down. If you can start an Ultimate with a well-timed Q, you can shut down your enemy with ease. Reaching the backline is important, as the bonus damage from her ultimate will shred through any enemy not building tanks.

Holding your Q stacks up is also important. Lillia’s (Q) is the best kite tool for fighting, darting in and out with the extra speed of movement. If you lose the bonuses, you’ll be a lot more vulnerable. As a battlemage, Lillia will be one of the key sources of damage for your team, so survival is crucial. If you can take down the enemy carry and escape with your life, you’ve done your job.