LoL next rotating Mythic Shop: What’s in store for Patch 13.1?

The upcoming League of Legends Mythic shop has been leaked, which means we already know which champions will be available in the store during the next month. The League of Legends Mythic Shop is a fantastic place where players may buy special skins using ME.

Each month, new skins are introduced to the shop, and occasionally we can see which skins will be uploaded ahead of time, whether it’s the next new skin, an old prestige skin, or just a new chroma.

Image via Riot Games

Leaked skins coming in Mythic Shop Patch 13.1

Two older prestige skins are available for purchase in the League of Legends Mythic shop each month. Each skin could be purchased for a whopping three months during the original cycle, but this has changed and become a monthly rotation beginning with the new update.

Images via Riot Games

The skins seen above are only temporary and will cycle as normal. It is crucial to remember that the price of these skins will vary depending on when they are released. Aside from that, the period it takes for the skins to be released will differ as well.

LoL Patch 13.1 will bring the next mythic shop cycle for prestige skins. Because the current patch is just a month long, we will get a rotation immediately rather than waiting for the second patch of 2023.