Off-meta builds will be buffed in League of Legends patch 12.19

Riot Games teased buffs to a number of “outlier champions,” as well as an unspecified number of “off-meta builds,” in the upcoming League of Legends Patch 12.19.

Lead designer for League’s balance team Matt “Phroxzon” Leung-Harrison provided a sneak peek of the modifications in a tweet today.

The tweet detailed a variety of improvements, largely to champions but also to a few systems. There is no list of the precise off-meta builds. But given how broad the line was, don’t be shocked if these modifications continue through the upcoming patches and even even into the 2023 preseason.

The World Championship in 2022 will be held on Patch 12.18, so there’s no need to worry about sacrificing competitive integrity, and it will be the first of five patches between then and the new year, so the kinds of liberties taken here arrive at the right time.

In terms of champions, Ryze and Jinx qualify as “past pro play staples,” whereas Ekko and Fizz fall under the category of “AP assassins.” Nasus improvements were intended for the Worlds patch but were abruptly withdrawn.

The top lane builds for Udyr will also get some improvements. According to League metrics website LoLalytics, Udyr is now sitting at a respectable 51.02 percent victory rate in Platinum+ ELO in the jungle this patch, but only a 47.34 percent win rate over the same time period as a top laner.

Additionally, Mortal Reminder will receive a boost. Given that teams can now administer Grievous Wounds to opponents more reliably than with this item, it is rarely built because giving up damage for an AD carry in the current meta is frequently not worth the cost.

On Wednesday, October 5, Patch 12.19 with all of its off-meta grandeur and turmoil is expected.