LoL Patch 12.6: Riot shares Swain changes that will make him more ‘satisfying’

Image via Riot Games

Swain has recently struggled to live up to expectations in League of Legends. The Noxian General’s lack of consistency in favor of meta has prompted Riot Games to adjust the champion in the hopes of making him being more ‘satisfying’ to use.

Swain has been concerned by his role in Summoner’s Rift. He’s transformed from a short-ranged mage to a hybrid support with burst-poke damage in the bot lane. He is a steady and off-meta champion as a support. However, both the mid and bot lanes have suffered, particularly at lower levels, despite the fact that it is the role he was intended to play.

Image via Riot Games

Riot Truexy, a game designer on League’s Summoner’s Rift team, discussed improvements to Swain that are expected to go live on the PBE in an attempt to better define his position. These will be Swain’s first modifications since Patch 11.1 and the first significant adjustments to his kit since Patch 10.15.

Ravenous Flock (P)

Death’s Hand (Q)

Demonic Ascension (R)

“This should help Swain in mid and support by giving him access to his meaningful spells,” Truexy explained.

Image via Riot Games

The additional passive with Swain is being removed, thus bringing in an immobilized champion will no longer do extra damage to them, while it will still grant him a soul fragment.

The cooldown and mana cost of his Q will be lowered at all levels. This should allow Swain to probe his opponents more in the early game without having to rely on late-game scaling as much. His ultimate’s cooldown will also be decreased from 120 seconds to 120/100/80 seconds based on the ability’s level.

These changes are scheduled to be launched later this week on League’s PBE.