Riot Is Ambitious to Launch Many New Games to Create a Diverse Lol Universe

Not only the League of Legends: Wild Rift, Riot also made a lot of projects to make the LoL to be its own universe…diverse LoL universe

Diverse LoL universe

By this time, League of Legends is still one of the most classic MOBA games around the world. At the end of the year 2019, in the 10th anniversary of the League of Legends, Riot introduced a series of blockbuster projects that would be released in the year 2020 and later years to make the League of Legends be a true multi-universe. Along with LoL: Wild Rift also has TFT Mobile, LoR, Project L… that make LoL the big source of the Riot.

diverse LoL universe

Teamfight Tactics Mobile

Although it’s just a mobile version of a game mode that has been launched before on the PC platform. But TFT Mobile is still a standalone game on the mobile platform and has attracted the attention in the first days of its launch worldwide.

Male streamer suicided after propose his girlfriend who is a popular TFT streamer.

Teamfight Tactics is one of the most compelling game modes of LoL. In Livestream celebrating its 10th anniversary, Riots Games has mentioned that it is possible to launch two new products, “League of Legends: Wild Rift” and a private game on the mobile platform for Teamfight Tactics – TFT Mobile mode.

Legends of Runeterra

After TFT Mobile, another game in the universe of Riot is Legends of Runeterra. In LoR, you have to build your tactics using the middle cards for the generals and the spells based on LoL. The cards in the game are divided in six areas: Demacia, Freljord, Ionia, Noxus, Piltover & Zaun, and Shadow Isles. You can build 40 cards, but only use up to two areas at a time.

LoL: Wild Rift

diverse LoL universe

A project that needs so much Riot Games’ attempts and this is definitely a project that invested well. Till now, LoL: Wild Rift has just ended its alpha test limited in Brazil and Philippines and it hasn’t had the release day yet.

diverse LoL universe

However, this is the game that can bring about many interesting things in game mobile market this year.

diverse LoL universe

Project L

After Riot released that they were developed a fighting game in Evo 2019, fans were so excited to know more about it on the 10th anniversary of LoL at the end of 2019.

diverse LoL universe

Then Riot still did not share anything beyond a little in-game image during the game’s development phase.

Currently, the project is still in development and Riot has not yet revealed any information about the date of release.

However, Project L will surely be the product located in the League of Legends Universe of Riot Games this time.


This is a game of MMORPG with LoL is the main world. Gamers who have experienced LoL will know the plot of this game and it will likely be used as the main content for this role-playing game.

diverse LoL universe

Overall, Riot’s ambition is to make LoL be a universe, where the products in it are related to this MOBA title. Hopefully, projects like Project L or LoL: MMO will soon be announced in the upcoming time.