MASSIVE CHANGES: New Buffs and Reworks Coming in Patch 10.12 (P2) – League of Legends.

Link to Part 1 can be found here:

Disclaimer: This is just an PBE update so It might be changed in the future. Riot also stated that they are pending for testing. We will try our best to give you the most accurate and latest updates in this post.

Patch 10.12 (cont.)

Champion Balance

Top lane: There aren’t any changes.


            Fiddlesticks: He received a minor nerf after getting buffed twice.

            Trundle: His early game will be affected heavily by this nerf. Chasing or sometimes running away from enemies will be a lot more difficult.

            Volibear: Just like other newly-rework champions, Volibear has a low win rate percentages and has been underperforming. These buffs hopefully will stabilize his win rate.

Mid lane:

            Akali: Having a low 45% win rate on high ELO matches (Platinum and higher). She receives another buff. This buff will help her a little bit better in lane and clear out the waves faster.


Viktor: He will be harder to kill and deal a lot more late game damage.

Yasuo: Lot’s of High ELO players usually farm safely by alternating between his Passive (Way of the Wanderer) and his W (Wind Wall). His W (Wind Wall) CD is increased, it will be much easier to play again Yasuo now and ranged-champions can easily proc his passive shield.


Bot lane:

            Varus: this will help players have much easier time playing against Varus.

            Senna: By having attack speed ratio nearly doubling, this will open up more ways to build Senna instead of going Lethal Items.

            Xayah: this ultimate buff will make Xayah’s ultimate feels like a real ultimate rather than a tool to reposition herself or to set up her E pull back.