Misbehavior Players Will Be Strictly Punished | How the Punishment Systems Work

League of legends is famous for its “Toxic” behavior community. However, Riot Games are trying their best everyday to improve their player base behavior as strict as possible.

According to Riot Games Dev News, Riot Games will improve how report feedback works and introduce reporting in Champ Select. In the moderate-term, they will test more responsive detection of deliberate inting/pseudo afking. They are still considering steps after that but the plan is to keep working on this longer-term.

Dragonslayer Trundle | Trundle, the Troll King

Who Are Those Players?

How Riot Games Are Going to Fix This?

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Right Now – Improving Report Feedback

Riot Games just started trialing improvements to how their report and notification systems work. For now, those are live on NA and KR only. One component of that is changes to how punishment notifications are generated. Previously, you’d only be notified that a user you’d reported had been punished if that punishment was triggered immediately after the game you were reporting them for and the punishment was for the specific category you’d reported them in.

The actual punishment system, however, looks at a player’s games over time and aggregates reports from different categories together. As a result, notifications were substantially lower than the actual punishments. The revised notification system, by contrast, will notify you if a user was punished regardless of category of the report and will do so if the player gets punished after any of their next dozen games or so.

Short Term – Champ Select Reporting and Muting

Disruptive behavior in Champ Select is a problem that players have very few ways to deal with. Riot Games just launched the Champ Select Reporting and Muting Test in NA and KR servers. These reports will be used to establish a data foundation for champ select behavior. Then, once Riot Games have got enough data to identify different types of behavior accurately, they will deploy a punishment system.

Moderate Term – Rapid Detection and False Positive Trade-Off

After above changes, Riot Games’ development team wants to go back and reexamine their previous stance on rapid, automated detection of players who are trying to lose a game. They have been very cautious about it historically due to the risk of falsely identifying, and therefore punishing, a player who isn’t actually trolling. Avoiding unjust temp bans is important to offer a good player experience.

Long Term – To be Determinded

Beyond above terms, Riot are still assessing which approaches to investigate next. They plan on doing more work than just what’s listed above.

Credit: Quick LOL Thoughts: Game-ruining Behavior

Read More: Champ Select Reporting and Muting Test