New build: Navori Quickblades allows Zeri to dash every 2 auto-attacks

Zeri with her full-crit build and Navori Quickblades can dash across the Summoner’s Rift like a URF champion

Zeri players were devastated by Riot Games’ balancing abilities when they unexpectedly reduced comprehensive figures from her basic stats and of her skills in the latest patch 12.7.

However, the team quickly released a hotfix since the nerf was a little ”overshot to restore some power to her in less than 24 hours after patch 12.7 was updated. As a result, Zeri is still as powerful as before. Even recently, after the buffs, players have discovered a new way to enhance her kit, which can make her even more powerful with the Navori Quickblades.

With this item, Zeri simply has to use two Q moves to fully reduce the entire cooldown of her E. This ‘urf’ interaction occurs because the interaction reduces in percentage and flat indicators. Simply expressed, the probability of decreasing reduction in percentages will always be estimated ahead of time prior to the flat CD. In this situation, the Navori Quickblades impact will be computed first, followed by the effect of her E.

With 41% cd reduction, she can just activate Q twice to regain her E. This interaction will allow her to dash continually in difficult combat. The mobility is more than enough to make up for the number of indications lost in the previous nerf. Zeri’s full-crit build in the above video is also pretty accurate to the current meta. 

Image via Riot Games

Overall, Riot Games has yet to make any moves toward this interaction. We don’t know how this would turn out in pro play but it would definitely be a cool build for solo queue players to test out.