New Poppy’s bug that gets 300 kills per match!

Instead of fixing the client and in-game’s bugs, Riot Games is now creating more “uncontrollable monsters” with even more bugs that can be exploited.

In recent days, the LoL community around the world has already had enough headaches with Kayn‘s bug that made him able to cast (W) on all map. He can standing at his Base while also can defeating the whole enemy team. And for today, Riot Games continued to “launch” a new game error which to Poppy – who can standing at her Base using Hammer Shock (Q) with a full map effect – just like Kayn‘s old bug!

Poppy just got into the game and stood at standing at her base to take advantage of the new game error

When you matched against a Poppy that using this bug, you will had absolutely no chance to fight her, and all you could is to wait until the 15th minute to make a surrender. A player had already took advantage of this Poppy’s bug to casually climbed the rank, while taking up to 200 or 300 kills per match, even with the lowest match, he also got 71 kills.

Sources: Vandiril

Player name Zinky took advantage of Poppy’s error to climb the solo/duo rank at EU server

Immediately after the video of this guy using this Poppy game error was widely spreaded on forums, this guy quickly changed his name from “Zinky” to “twit imwontsay“, possibly to hide himself taking advantage of the bug. Or maybe for some other reasons.

The way that Poppy players used bugs in the game

Currently, many players are still using this bug to climb their rank matches. If Riot Games does not lock Poppy up quickly, it will surely create a huge impact on the rank of any victims of this bug. Many people have suggested that Riot Games should block the accounts of users that took advantages from this bug for at least 1 month to reclaim their lost rank points.

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