New Surrender vote for AFKs minimizes game length ahead Preseason 2023

Surrendering and remaking games have always been a headache due to problems in the surrender vote mechanism. Riot Games is finally changing the surrender vote to minimize unnecessarily protracted one-sided games when players are suffered from the AFK players.

New early surrender changes

A month ago, famous League streamer Tyler1 encountered an unfortunate Remake bug that disabled him from remaking his game after one of his teammates disconnected. Riot, since then started to modify all of these related features.

Spideraxe revealed on his Twitter page that the surrender vote is finally being adjusted. The early surrender period for AFKs has now been decreased from 10 to 3:30 minutes.

In other words, you can finally quit the game if a teammate disconnects after the remake window or if you fail to remake the game inside the first three minutes.

There’s no question that this adjustment will have a beneficial influence on the game since you won’t waste 10 minutes of your time on games that are already dead. This is especially useful for normal games when your LP gains and losses and MMR are unaffected.

Image via Riot Games

On top of that, Patch 12.21 changed how the remake vote works, decreasing the start time from 3 minutes to 1:30 minutes and increasing the window to start a remake from 30 to 90 seconds.

Because no one will ever be compelled to play a game that is immediately set, we may even see the iconic League toxicity decrease as a result of these tiny but incredibly important adjustments.

With the start of the Preseason 2023 on November 16, this change is expected to be implemented on the servers. It is still early and susceptible to change.