New Viego Bug that allows him to escape Mordekaiser’s Ult

Ever since the appearance of Viego in the game, League of Legends has never been more “broken” because of all the continuous bugs that have been found related to him. With various flaws that have happened, as well as his overpowering kit and design, the champion has also been regarded as highly “game-breaking”.

Image via Riot Games

Just about recently, a player has found another bug concerning of the Ruined King and Mordekaiser. Specifically, a game-breaking interaction between Mordekaiser and Viego was found by a League player, allowing Viego to use his ultimate, Heartbreaker (R), to escape Mordekaiser’s Realm of Death’s border (R). The Viego player shared a video of the strange encounter on Reddit earlier.

Viego bug that let him escape Mord’s R

In the video showcased by the player, after being R’ed by Mord, the player was assumingly stuck as the border of Realm of Death (R) fits just about perfect in the Baron pit.

The player was certainly trap and tried to get away from Mordekaiser in any way possible. Thankfully, when he used Hearbreaker (R) by mistaken, the bug occurred that allow the player to walk out of the Realm.

Normally, Mordekaiser’s ultimate is meant to trap the selected enemy player for 7 seconds, or until one of the realm’s champions kills the other and they can only freely move inside the Realm only. In this scenario, the Viego player was able to set foot out of the border and move outside the realm.

It’s unclear whether or not it is Viego is bug or it’s just his R and Mord’s R don’t get along. Or perhaps it is even because of the visual bug of Mord’s R that doesn’t match with the actual terrain. We hope that Riot Games might look over this bug again so that players don’t have to deal with it again.