Nexus Blitz ‘s items : Which one you should buy ?

Some special items in Nexus Blitz that you should know more about

1. Deathfire Grasp ( Highly recommended )

Champions: Leblanc, Ahri, Annie, Ekko, Malphite, Cassopeia, Kassadin,……….

This was one of the most broken items ever existed in League of Legends history for magic damage assassins.This item was removed in Season Five because, while originally intended as a way to allow AP assassins and burst mages to deal with tanks, was actually used most of time to completely obliterate squishy champions without allowing them a chance to survive, even forcing champions like  Ahri into a playstyle that wasn’t originally intended for them. As such, Riot removed Deathfire Grasp to allow them to better balance burst mages and AP assassins. They created  Luden’s Echo to replace Deathfire Grasp as the go-to item for burst APs.. 

2. Lifeline ( Not recommended ) 

Champions: Pyke, Ekko, Nunu, Pantheon, Talon, Galio, ……

This item gives quite a few stats and also activates a lot of cooldown compared to the short playing time of any match in this mode. If you have 1,550 gold, you could go for  a lot more value options.

3. Force Of Natural (Recommended)

Champions: Maokai, Fiddlesticks, Mundo, Garen, Shyvana, Renekton, Sejuani,…

This item is literally the combination of Warmog’s Armor and Spirit Visage in Nexus Blizt. Must go item for tanky champions.

4. Atma’s Reckoning ( Not Recommended )

Champions: Shinzao, Renekton, Kled, Jax, Nasus, Cammile, Aatrox, Garen, Darius, …

For such the price of 2900 golds, it gives only 30 AR, 30 MR, 25 ATT. We could go for some better items

5. Spear Of Shojin ( Highly Recommended )

Champions: Jax, Renekton, Nasus, Irelia, Zed, Karma, Darius, Riven, Master Yi …

One more broken item has been removed from Summoner’s Rift  because the 200+ years of experience balance team of Riot couldn’t balance it. 

6. Spectral Cutlass ( Recommended )

Champions: Pyke, Ekko, Nunu, Pantheon, Talon, Galio, …

With the price of 2 times Lifeline, but the 70 ATK it has is actually amazing. Additionally, the cooldown time is just 60 seconds.

7. Sword of the Divine ( Recommended)

Champions: Twitch, Rengar, Zed, Thresh, Varus, Kaisa, Yasuo, …

It is a must – go for item for assassin champions to kill the target quickly. Imagine a Rengar with this items jumps on your ass ….

8. Zephyr ( Recommend )

Champions: Shinzao, Tryndamere, Irelia, Kled, Garen, …..

This item is suitable for brawlers who aiming and following the target continuously, When combined with Mercury’s Tread and Runes, the CC times put on you will be decreased significantly.

9. Innervating Locket ( Recommended)

Champions: Ezreal,Kassadin, Corki, Ryze, Alistar, Nautilus, Amumu, Cho’gath, ..

Extremely fit with mana – based on champions, included tanky and poke champs. 

10. Moonflair Spellblade ( Recommended )

Champions: Ekko, Diana, Cassiopeia, Fiddlesticks, Kassadin,..

This is the AP version of Zephyr.

10. The Golden Spatula ( Uhhh…..)

Champions: ANY

This little shinny thing has the value of 2 Trinity Force ( 7437 golds ) and the stats combined from 6 component items. You can go for it if you have enough golds but the stats iit brings has no unique at all.