Nocturne continues to dominate League in patch 11.13

The solo queue meta has changed once again as a result of the latest patch’s adjustments to systemic mobility, champions, and equipment.

Nocturne, who is now topping the ladder in three different roles, is one of the most significant champions to climb even more in popularity. Prior to this patch, Nocturne was still a viable option in both solo queue and competitive play, and even a more dominating pick against his laning opponent. As a result, Nocturne is one the strongest pick for solo queue on the current patch.

Nocturne has a high win rate in patch 11.13

According to, Nocturne is one of the strongest picks for Top and Mid lane with a 54.69% win rate in the Top lane and 54.26% win rate in Mid lane. Nocturne was already a good option with a win rate of over 50% in prior patches, but he has now outperformed these at this patch 11.13.

Finally, Nocturne is doing well in the jungle. This is his first and most well-known role. According to the data from, Nocturne is the very greatest option to ascend as a jungler, with a 53.58 % win rate. When he reaches level 6, he still has an effective clear in the jungle and can pull off surprise ganks.

With a win rate of more than 53% in three distinct roles, there’s no denying that Nocturne is presently in an overpowering position as an S+ champion.

Early advantages of roaming

Nocturne and the current meta of season 11 mesh really well, which is one of the primary reasons he is performing so well.

His early-game lane strength will let him to trade evenly with most champions and farm up until he reaches level 6. Nocturne begins to come up after having his Paranoia (R). With the ultimate, Nocturne may roam as a lone laner while assisting his jungler in performing strong ganks.

Nocturne isn’t the best scaler in the late game, but that typically doesn’t cause him any problems. The current meta is fast-paced, and it is uncommon for a game to end late. Also, his ultimate plays a huge element at starting a combat or assassinating a target, which gives your team a big advantage in the late game.

Stridebreaker nerf was a “buff” to Nocturne

Nocturne was also one of the champions that benefits from the Stridebreaker nerf. Patch 11.13 deleted the Mythic item’s powerful dash. While this was a significant blow to many bruisers, Nocturne was never one to rely on the dash. Instead, Nocturne is making use of the item’s stats and additional damage to it.

Nocturne already has movement speed through his Duskbringer (Q) and crowd control through Unspeakable Horror (E) to get close to his targets fast without using the dash of Stridebreaker. Furthermore, there are virtually no champions that can escape his escaping while being delayed by 90% by the new Stridebreaker.

Nevertheless, Riot is expected to implement the nerf hammer in one of the future updates. LoL patch 11.14 is expected to be released on Thursday, July 8, and it is quite probable that Nocturne will see some changes to his kit.