Permanent +15% movement speed: Only Yuumi can have such a wonderful ability like this

Yuumi is well-known for her Knight’s Vow which can supports you a lot and makes you become a fierce fighter in the entire match:

Garen-Yuumi and Mundo-Yuumi, the hardest raid bosses in the New League MMO together show us the compatible between Yuumi and other powerful champions.

Besides, Olaf and Darius can also create a perfect and amazing comparison that can wipe out any obstacles on their way to enemy base.

Just a neat little interaction that’s actually quite strong if you have a Yuumi duo. For whatever reason, if you bind Knight’s Vow to Yuumi, you’ll always count as moving towards her when she’s attached.

As such, for 2200g, Knight’s Vow will give you 250 HP, 60 armor, 10% CDR, 15% movement speed, and 12% healing off of any damage Yuumi deals. It is certainly a “love-hate relationship” when you cannot have extra damage and Yuumi does not take any damage at all.

When Yuumi and Darius work together
Yuumi’s appearance in League of Legends

Cat is a symbol for magic and mystery for a long time in mankind’s history. Thus, it doesn’t seems to be strange for describing Yuumi as a beautiful and gorgeous purple female cat.

With an outstanding magic powers that can help its partners to be stronger over time to time, Yuumi can also causes an ideal damage on the enemies in any circumstances.

Along with some upgrades which was bought in the store, Yuumi can improve movement speed, health regeneration,… in order to survive better in the battlement and to support other champions in its team.

Knight’s Vow and Yuumi

Anyway, once you have decided to attach with Yuumi in Knight’s Vow, it would be very enjoyable and fascinating to swipe entirely every single one of the opponents. If you are nothing but just a noob or newbie then Knight’s Vow will be a good choice to make when playing LoL. Wanna break your limit? Try it for once. Look for more in Top Builds & Trends.
