League Patch 11.13 Preview introduces Tahm Kench revamped, Lee Sin, Rumble nerfs, and adjustments for Viego

The official notes for League Patch 11.13 have finally arrived.

Image via Riot Games

We’re less than a week away from the release of League Patch 11.13, which Riot Games described as “the biggest meta shake-up we’ll see in quite a while.” In preparation, gameplay design director Mark “Scruffy” Yetter handed us a thorough patch preview of the game today, which included all of the forthcoming champion changes.

Players will be able to test out the new Tahm Kench rework in this patch, which will see the community’s favorite catfish receive some substantial modifications to his powers. The most significant changes affect Devour and Abyssal Voyage, two abilities that have been reversed. The old W ability is now his ultimate, while the old ultimate is now a normal ability. Each ability has also been adjusted to ensure that the Kench is useful in both solo queue and pro play.

In addition, a few champions will see adjustments as we approach one of the most significant patches of the year thus far. However, the changes aren’t spectacular. Rumble’s Scrap Shield cooldown is being reduced by 5% at each level, but his movement speed is being reduced by 5%. Lee Sin’s Tempest damage is being lowered in the late game, while Riven’s E shield is being decreased by 15 at all levels.

Dr. Mundo’s intended improvements have been pushed back to a later patch, while Xayah and Aphelios are also getting damage boosts in League Patch 11.13. The former will have her Double Daggers’ damage slightly increased, while the latter will have his passive AD and lethality stats increased. Olaf’s health per level is also increasing somewhat, from 93 to 100.

Image via Riot Games

Finally, Viego is getting some modifications aimed at moving him from the mid-lane to the jungle. His Q, Blade of the Ruined King, will have its minions’ healing decreased to 50%, but his Harrowed Path movement speed will be raised by 5% at each level. He may also cast the ability faster and further away from walls because the projectile’s length has been boosted by 75 units in League Patch 11.13.

Along with these improvements, Riot is implementing some significant mobility creep decreases, making many modifications to different items in the game, and adding two new items to the shop. All of the improvements will be available when League Patch 11.13 is released on Wednesday, June 23.