Patch 11.8 Preview adds Zed, Darius, and more champions to the jungle role

Riot plans to broaden the champion pool for this position in the Patch 11.8 Preview.

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Gameplay design director Mark “Scruffy” Yetter outlined the adjustments included in Patch 11.8 Preview that will be implemented in the jungle champ pool soon, announced the tentative changes today. Darius, Zed, Mordekaiser, Morgana, and Diana will all earn small improvements to help them clear jungle camps faster. So fans, wait before you see Darius stepping out of the jungle if you’re already afraid of laning against him in League of Legends.

Zed’s Passive – Contempt for the Weak – is being operated around in order to have better jungle clearing. The Master of Shadows can use this power to deal additional damage to targets with less than 50% health. It will no longer have a monster cooldown, and its damage to epic monsters will be limited at 300 at all levels.

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Darius’ passive, which grants monsters bonus damage, is increasing rapidly from 175 to 300 percent in Patch 11.8 Preview. This is less than the 500 percent that was examined on the PBE last week which enabled the champ to solo dragon at level one without using Smite. However, he can still be a viable choice in the jungle.

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Mordekaiser gains a new passive ability that grants stacks and refreshes them when doing monster damage, with a limit of 180 at all stages. Morgana’s Tormented Shadow’s (W) monster damage bonus has increased from 150 to 200 percent. Diana’s Moonsilver Blade passive is being reworked to do 300 percent more damage to monsters while also raising the level one bonus attack pace to 20% rather than 10% in Patch 11.8 Preview.

Riot is likely hoping that these updates will broaden the jungle champ pool a little bit, as well as persuade more players to queue for the role. Last February, Scruffy addressed the role’s low play rate, assuming that introducing well-liked champs to the jungle pool would boost its prominence. However, its difficulty can be a deterrent for some players, especially those at the lower ranks.