Patch 12.10 Durability Updates: Full details of champions, items, and healing changes

Riot Games is making significant adjustments to the durability of all League of Legends champions in patch 12.10

Riot said in their recent Quick Gameplay Thought that they will modify the durability of all champions. By increasing basic health, health per level, armor per level, and magic resistance per level, the developers hope to reduce total damage in the game overall.

According to Riot, this increase in durability needs some changes to the game’s surrounding items and systems to ensure they are properly adjusted relative to the defensive stats. So here are the following changes that will come along with the durability updates

Image via Riot Games

Champion Stat

Heals and Shields Reduced

Grievous Wounds Reduced

Runes and Item Drain Healing Reduced

Other Items Nerfs

Item Mana Regen Increased

Runes %Resistances Reduced

Baron Nashor Damage Increased

Turret Damage Increased

Image via Riot Games

This is probably Riot’s most major League of Legends update since combining runes and masteries in 2017. Riot has previously confirmed that the Durability Update will be available in patch 12.10 on May 25. And the updates will be available on the PBE soon this week.