League Patch 12.14: Potions and Consumables nerfs make laning even more punishable

Nerfs to Potions might result in a harder laning phase when you are losing

Potions are crucial consumable items that almost every champion purchases in the early stage of the game to gain advantages in their early laning phase.

However, Patch 12.14 nerfs these main League of Legends sustainability tools:  Health Potion, Corrupting Potion, and Biscuit Delivery. The creators think that this modification will assist to improve game balance, particularly during the laning phase.

Image via Riot Games

The issue is that these modifications will be a nightmare for League of Legends’ losing lanes. Lanes that are constantly harassed and suffer severe poke damage will be forced to flee, making the game condition very unpleasant.

Healing item adjustments aimed toward professional League of Legends games

Health Potions

150 Healing >>> 120

Refillable and Corrupting Potions

125 Healing >>> 100

Biscuit Delivery

Restores 10% Health/Mana >>> 8%

Increase Max Mana 50 >>> 40

Manaless Health Restored unchanged

Riot Games appears to be attempting to assist the winning lanes to scale even quicker with the improvements listed above.

Image via Riot Games

Based on the modifications being implemented, it stands to reason that the solo queue would be less affected. This is due to the fact that in a normal solo queue game, players are not very skilled at managing healing potions as much as pro players in pro tournaments.

As a result, losing lanes are frequently demolished by the enemy, and the game is over. However, this is not the case in professional matches. This is especially true following the durability changes, as players in the losing lanes maximize their use of health potions to collect as much farm as possible.

The issue is that with these nerfs, losing lanes in professional plays will suffer greatly throughout their laning phase.

Fans are upset, despite the fact that it largely impacts the professional scene. Perhaps the League of Legends devs will make some modifications in response to PBE feedback.

Image via Riot Games

Nonetheless, keep in mind that this is the final big patch update until Worlds 2022. As a result, assuming the changes continue, professional League of Legends will appear very different.