Patch 12.17: New meta coming to Worlds 2022

Worlds 2022 is coming and patch 12.17 would be the perfect chance for Riot to test their changes for the annual global LoL tournament.

Wukong and Viego will no longer be the lord of the jungle

After the entire summer splits worldwide, Riot finally decide to adjust this lane in patch 12.17.

Maokai seems to be a new champ in the jungle – a brand new role to him. Specifically, his passive’s CD will be reduced when attacked by monsters, which solves the most significant problem of the current jungle Maokai: lacking healing. Besides, his camps-clearing speed is boosted thanks to the amount of additional damage on monsters of his Q (90 additional damage at level 1), whose a relatively short CD. His R also has a considerable buff when its speed is increased, allowing him to organize early fights more easily.

Hecarim, who used to be a hot pick for junglers, also receives some adjustments. His problem is that his mission in most fights is rushing into the enemy team and troubling their carries. As a result, he usually has to 1v5 before his teammates follow up. If he builds Bruisers’ items like Triforce or Divine Sunderer, he will not be tanky enough to buy time. On the other hand, with Tankers’ build, Hecarim may become truly a tanker with tiny damage. Riot appear to have figured out his problem and they give him some changes to solve it. His Q is reduced on base damage but increased in AD-based damage and one additional stack. His W also gives him 35 Armor and MR, higher than Graves’ E at max stacks. To prevent Hecarim from being too OP, his E and R are hammered in their CC ability.

Additionally, Graves and Nocturne are also some other buffed champs. With the above names and former hot picks, the meta of the jungle in the incoming Worlds may be extremely interesting.

League of Stopwatch will be disappearing?

Since its debut, Stopwatch has always been the compulsory item in team fights, especially in pro leagues, where the ping is incredibly low all the time. So, Riot is raising its price by 100g to force players to consider carefully before purchasing this item.

Other minor changes


Top-lane carry may return to the meta with upcoming adjustments. Camille’s trades would be more dominating due to buffed passive shield and with Ignite, she can apparently become an actual threat. Sett is probably another strong pick when his E’s slow rockets to 70% and his W is also boosted to strengthen his damage in fights.

Camille 12.16
Camille 12.17


One of the hottest picks during summer splits – Azir, will be nerfed in the early game to make him more vulnerable and able his enemies to lessen him as soon as possible. Ahri is possibly the perfect champ at mid with fast clearing, lethal CC, and amazing mobility. As a result, Riot is going to nerf her E to weaken her fight-opening ability. On the other side, Twisted Fate and Kassadin are slightly buffed to bring them back to the Rift.


Lucian is definitely the saddest marksman in this patch as his well-known support – Nami, is adjusted. Her E now cannot proc Electrocute so easily and Lucian-Nami is no longer the most OP bot duo.