League Patch 12.5: Ahri and Master Yi see nerfs, Hullbreaker being the only item that is getting adjusted

League of Legends Patch 12.5 preview is now out, and it includes a number of buffs to champions that have previously gone unnoticed, as well as nerfs to major ones in the game

Riot Phlox, a League designer on the Summoner’s Rift team, announced and outlined the list that will be released accompanying patch 12.5 on February 22. This patch will involve just a few changes, but these modifications may be enough to radically change the meta in different aspects. 

Over the previous patch, Ahri has prospered in professional play, exceeding all expectations of the champion’s recent mini-rework. Ahri’s is being dealt with, and her E cooldown is being increased in patch 12.5. Her W damage will be lowered as well, and her mana cost will be raised.

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Gwen and Xin Zhao have lately acquired power in the jungle, which has resulted in some small nerfs that may result in their pick/ban situation. Gwen and Xin Zhao’s effectiveness in the jungle will be slightly diminished.

Earlier this week, Riot Phlox had also revealed major nerfs to Master Yi’s Duskblade. These nerfs are intended to limit his access to more alternate builds by offering on-hit effects on his Q, with the goal of shifting his playstyle away from the standard Duskblade/Collector and toward the on-hit attacks builds.

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Hullbreaker is the only item modified in this patch, most likely owing to the high number of top laners using it for split-pushing. Riot Phlox remarked that this adjustment has a major impact on Urgot, thus the team will be paying a close eye on him.

Upon the buff list of patch 12.5, Samira, one of the most recent additions to the ADC roster, will receive improvements to her health and armor acquired every level, as well as a shorter cooldown on her ultimate. Kennen’s poke on his W will be somewhat boosted in the top lane. He will also benefit from increased AD and AP ratios.

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Seraphine is getting a lot of buffs to her W and E. Her W, which grants herself and allies a huge shield, will now provide everyone the shield she used to get, but with a lower scaling AP. This also has an impact on the heal she provides with her passive. Its mana cost will be decreased; however, its cooldown will be raised early on in the game. Seraphine’s E’s cooldown will also be reduced earlier.

Patch 12.5 will be out on March 2. The modifications will be available on the PBE soon, and they may be changed before being released on live servers.